Monday, December 1, 2008

Dreaming in Watercolor

Watercolor continues to sing its sweet siren song and I follow the sound, only to be frequently dashed on the rocks of disappointment. No kidding, watercolor is tough. Mostly because I either get it right the first time, or I get it wrong and have more scrap paper. Not much room for corrections with watercolor.

I won't trouble you with the many mistakes I have made lately.

This painting went pretty smoothly. I had a strong idea for the painting before I started, my young friend (now a college student), with eyes closed and a serene look on her face. I used clean colors, changed my water frequently, and let the magic of wet into wet kind of melt together.

I was tempted to leave the painting as is (or as was, so to speak) but some edges needed a little more defining and I wanted a little more value variance in her hair. So, I went back in. Sharpened the line between her cheek and hair, darkened the upper lip, a little more shadow on the cheek/neck. I stopped before I did too much.

There's still so much of this painting that is soft and dreamy looking, I've called it:

"Dreaming." 24 x 18, watercolor.

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