Saturday, July 3, 2010

A new way to work

Ever since we cruised through northern British Columbia and I saw many waterfalls. I have had an idea about painting them. While we were there, I did many gesture drawings of the shapes of the water. The waterfalls felt feminine to me.

Since it's raining here in Wrangell, I decided that today was a good "studio" day for painting. I set up my materials on the sundeck (might need to rethink that name after all of these gray and wet days) and started.

The bottom photo shows the simplified contour drawing I did from my original gesture drawing. Simple lines. Simple shapes.

From that drawing, I painted a washy watercolor under painting on BFK Rives paper. I wanted to establish dark to light, cool to warm shifts across the painting.

Once the paper was completely dry, I applied the pastel to follow the plan of the under painting. In this painting, I wanted to express the passive inevitability of the water falling down. Does it look feminine? Passive?

Rainy and 58 degrees in Wrangell, AK today. But I was kept warm by working with an idea.

1 comment:

Celeste Bergin said...

yes, I definitely sense the feminine! These are all super pretty--and womanly!