Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Reordering my world at the beach

sketching at the beach

sunset over the Pacific Ocean

Eric Wiegardt's studio and gallery
my all time favorite watercolor artist and teacher

The beach, a place where I recharge my batteries. I love the smell of the air here and the feeling I have when I walk the dune and look out at the ocean stretching out as far as I can see. Somehow, at the beach, my world gets reordered. My problems and concerns take on a different perspective in the face of the huge ocean, the constant pound of the surf, the pull of the tides.


Celeste Bergin said...

There is no place more beautiful than the Oregon Coast! I agree, it is a wonderful place to unwind.
That's a nice sketch of the wind-sock..it looks a little blustery. Missed you at breakfast! :)

SamArtDog said...

Yup, I'd also put Oregon beaches at the top. Skipping Coos Bay, they remain beautifully wild. Here's looking at you across the deep blue!

Casey Klahn said...

Katherine is too kind, so I'll provide the gentle correction. Ahem. Washington coast.

I grew up there, so I need my coast visit once and a while - even if it's virtual.