Saturday, July 16, 2011

next stop on the color wheel: yellow

Cattails Yellow, 11 x 7, pastel on paper
One position from Yellow Green on my Analogous Color Wheel is Yellow and all of its neighbors and complements. Still Cattails, but warmer and a bit more serious somehow.


Susan Roux said...

Katherine, I love it when artists are willing to go out of their comfort zone in an effort to improve. It's the only way it happens. Otherwise you're caught going round and round on a hamster wheel! Love what you're doing here. It sounds totally fun and your approach with a simple subject is perfect for practice. My guess is you'll learn so much about color by doing this and find new colors that you'll feel very comfortable with. Enjoy!

Can't wait to see what you do next...

Suzanne said...

Your color wheel is really opening opportunities. So much more lively than the natural, dull browns and greens some of the others of us have painted. :-)

Nick said...

I like yellow. It looks like summer.