I have checklists and reminder notes all over the place as we get ready for our big adventure. But first, some of the in-case-of-emergency equipment does not make me feel very happy. I ask you: do I look even a little happy here in my immersion suit? I'm probably thinking about what catastrophic events might lead to me needing to wear this crazy thing!

immersion suit -- check!
A friend told me yesterday that when she stood close to me she could hear me ticking like a clock! That's how it feels, this countdown to May 15. What happens then? My husband and I depart in a boat to head north to Southeast Alaska!

A fun stop at Armchair Sailor in Lake Union for Inside Passage charts and books of tides and currents. I looked for a book entitled "Is it a Black Bear or a Brown Bear and Does it Really Matter?" Maybe I'll have to write that one myself.

These are just the newest purchases. We also have cartloads of rolled charts and electronics gear to help us keep from getting lost.
Katherine, Hi, I've been meaning to comment on your blog for some time now but instead have just enjoyed receiving your posts thru RSS. Your post today really enticed me. We live on Harstine Isl. in south sound and reading about your boating experiences always grabs my attention. We spent Fri., Saturday and most of Sunday at the wooden boat show in Oly (on our sailboat) this last week-end. I'm not sure what size boat you have or the name on your boat, or if you even keep it in Olympia ... I looked around for someone who might resemble you (from photo's on your blog) and introduce myself, but just too many people. I'm really looking forward to seeing the work you produce while on your trip. Have a great trip.
Nothing says Alaska like the water Survival Suit! Great post, complete with JH video.
On the bear thing, your best thing for you would be to see a Black Bear by a Brown Bear - the enormous size of the Brown is a better detail than that silly hump on his back, IMHO.
Hi to Nancy, too. I spent some time on Hartstine I. with friends who lived there.
I love your new glamorous outfit! Even stylist colors. Again I'm amazed how you can find YouTube movies with song and visuals that are so relevant. What an adventure for you and your husband!
What an amazing adventure and I can't wait to see your paintings inspired by this trip.
Have a wonderful time! I lived in Anchorage for a few years and have always wanted to go back via boat.
don't worry, you won't be wearing that immersion suit--you are going to have a fantastic time! Bon Voyage! (Have a great time at the Iris Garden tomorrow)--send photos!
Hi Nancy! Thanks for following along and for the kind wishes for our good trip. We look forward to a great trip!
You live in a lovely place!
Casey -- I saw a stuffed grizzly bear once. Holy Carnivore, Batman! That's a big predator!! I hope to only see them from a safe distance!
Suzanne! Thanks for your comment. I will hope to avoid needing the immersion suit (orange is not my color)!
Joni -- thanks for stopping by. We look forward to a wonderful trip! I am bringing a bunch of art supplies and hope to use everything up! I'll keep you posted.
Thanks for the well-wishes, Celeste! I'll post as often as I have something interesting to share! I look forward to seeing your work over the summer, too!
You and Peter are going to have SO MUCH FUN! Don't forget to take "the Duke" and the video "North to Alaska". Vistas will leave you without words! We will be jealous - seeing your art and hearing about your trip. Enjoy! Be safe and don't worry abut the suit. The immersion suit is like the life raft - something you have on board you don't ever intend on needing! Hugs!
Wow what an adventure! Bon voyage I will be checking your posts, can't wait to hear everything about it!
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