Do you frame your own artwork?
Not all artists feel as I do, but I made a decision when I first started painting that I would not frame my own paintings. I found a great framer and she helps me select frames that complement the artwork. Today I picked up these three new pieces. I'm very happy with them!
Do you frame your own artwork?
Late this afternoon I made it over to my favorite wildlife refuge and studied the way the light described and illuminated the cattails. I think that the best painting I've ever seen of cattails is this one by Marc Hanson. He painted it last year as a part of his Spring plein air marathon. For a month, he painted FOUR plein air paintings per day. What stamina!
I have real problems with the whole question of frames. I try so hard to keep my art affordable. I aim to allow those who would never ever have considered buying real art the chance to. So for this reason I frame my own thouhg I have been looking at better quality materials of recent. Having not painted for so long I have time to consider. I thank you for all the kind words you share on my blog.
No, I don't frame my own paintings. I also don't cut my own hair. I used to do both, but then I realized I shouldn't do what I can't see.
When I saw your cattail photos, I immediately thought of Marc Hanson's incredible painting, one of my all-time favorites. These framed paintings of yours are wonderful as well. I assume they're pastels?
Way back in the early 80's a friend who had a small frame shop above A-Ball plumbing said, "You NEED to come work with me on Saturdays and learn how to assemble a collection of framed art pieces for your own good!" She was right. My first solo show had 28 pieces(metal chops) and it felt good to see them all on the gallery wall all put together by me.
We missed you on Tuesday.
What beautiful paintings and perfect complimentary silver/satin frames! Yes, much better than the standard gold leaf plein air for your Bay scenes. As you know , I do my own framing. Limited frame choices and I'm sure it takes at least 8 times longer than Elizabeth to do her marverous job. Also, I learned with full sheet watercolor that my framing room has a size limitation. : )
Ralph -- I agree, costs are a problem. It's always a compromise but for now I try to frame each painting in the best way I can afford.
SamArtDog -- No, I don't cut my own hair, either (but maybe trim the bangs). I shouldn't do what I know I won't do well. Yes, paintings are pastels on Bristol paper.
Carrie -- you are a good framer! You have what it takes and I do not. Missed you, too, especially after seeing the great sketching you did. I'll see you next week and plan to sketch!
Suzanne -- there are no perfect solutions! You do a nice job framing and that works for you. I'm too impatient!
wow---GREAT choice of frame for that series. As you know I purchase my frames from a wholesale framer. Eric B has told me I am paying too much--but I do like one frame that he has that I can't seem to find anywhere else.
Oh how I long for the days when the gallery framed things! (the 60's?) One guy told me once, however, that when his gallery did frame his work they always framed with frames he there's that).
Celeste! Your paintings always look good in the frames you choose. The cost is a pain, I agree. You want it to look good, but not cost too much to get it to look good.
Kitty tells of the days when she had her work framed by the gallery, too. Sounds pretty sweet to me. I think that if the gallery planned to sell it (and did) and I didn't have to pay for the frames, I would not care. Would you?
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