The next morning, I looked over at the trees, looking for eagles again. Instead, I saw two black shapes on the shore. Must be crows, I thought. I had seen plenty of them around. But, as I watched, they did not move like crows. More like mammals. Maybe mink?
I pulled out the binoculars (and my digital camera) and was amazed to see that these were bears! I did another quick sketch of the same scene and waited for the bears to walk past. Wow! Didn't realize the trees were so big until I saw the bears put everything in place.

By the way, I hope to only see bears from this distance!! Yikes! We almost rowed over and walked that beach!!
Yay for bears! They love the beach, I found out.
Happy sailing.
Bears!!! How phat is that!
imagine...you could have seen the exact scale of them if only you'd have rowed into shore! lol. great sketches!
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