This bit of big water is the last that we had to cross until we cross it again on the way South. It's called "Dixon Entrance" and the required route from Prince Rupert, BC and Ketchikan, AK. At about 35 miles across, it is serious business. We crossed it with 3- 4' swells and 1' wind waves. This was the first time since we left home May 15 that
I've felt sick to my stomach, but I was green. The boat was rocking front to back, left to right, front to back.
I've felt sick to my stomach, but I was green. The boat was rocking front to back, left to right, front to back.
Whenever we stop, I can hardly wait to figure out where is the nearest museum and how far we will have to walk to check it out. Historical museums. Art museums. Natural history museums. Today, in Ketchikan, I toured a Bordello museum! I enjoy them all.
I love to hear the docents (often locals with personal ties to the artifacts in the museums) describe the history and the artifacts and their meaning. Then, after the tour, I like to go back and read all of the signs and boards and look again at the displays.
I took these photos in the Prince Rupert Museum of Northern British Columbia. Some may call these "historical objects" but I call them art.

was detailed with bits of copper and puffin bills
to make noise with the dance movements
I saw this kind of ornamentation on traditional
dress of First Nations groups in Alert Bay, Prince Rupert
(where I saw this blanket in a museum) and Ketchikan.

This chief's headdress was a crown of bear claws!
Wonderful artifacts!
a young boy was asked about the oil spill in class and the instructor quizzed him," Which ocean is being chiefly affected by the oil?" The boy said,"Isn't there only one Ocean!"
Glad you made it over the bounding main, but barfaroney! The worst is, it takes so long to stop rocking. If all you got was green, you deserve a crown!
You guys have really traveled far! Your photos are as interesting as your paintings and sketches.
We're in Santa Fe right now and really enjoying the heat. Hope it's decent in Washington when we return.
Thanks, Carrie. Everything's connected -- great story.
Sam -- yeah, Ritz crackers and soda and windows wide open for lots of fresh air. I hate feeling sick!
Joni -- great to hear from you! Enjoy Santa Fe and be sure to spend some time at the Georgia O'Keeffe Museum!
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