Near Klemtu in Cougar Bay
I painted this at 9:30 pm. It was a long day on the water and we were having gremlin problems with the generator. The town of Klemtu, which was promoted as a reasonable place with some facilities for boaters, was a disappointment. We traveled a bit farther to a quiet spot and I made a cold dinner. Still light enough for me to paint at 9:30, on the Solstice! Beautiful scenery but a lot of it viewed through rain. Can't take my pastels out in the rain, either, so I'm stuck at my little table set-up on the sun deck. Not a bad place to be, though. Dry and with a view of the outdoors.The values were very close, but OHH was it tempting to put in some darks! Twilight lasted for two hours and I spent a lot of time studying the light.
oooooooo this is a beauty. You got it just right. I saw it as a thumbnail and had to click.
Twilight for two hours...awesome!!!!
You've translated the time and atmouspheric light so beutifully--i quite like the curve in the sky and the stillness of this painting..btw--do you ever get homesick??
The darks don't read too dark -could be the jpeg. Beautiful, and I enjoy your thought process.
good to see this painting of how it really looks--no need to put in darks when they aren't there. Really nice
Thanks, Loriann! I always appreciate your comments. It's amazing to have such long days!
Jan -- thanks. The air has been wet and thick with atmosphere up here. I do get homesick, but it's pretty amazing here and I try to put that in the front of my brain.
Casey -- I was tempted to add darker darks to give the painting more value range, but held off. I'm glad I did!
Thanks, Celeste! Good to hear from you!
What an inspiring trip you are sharing!
This is a great piece! I know first hand that yo got the values. I just heard about your blog from a comment on mine from Celeste Bergin. We just got back from 2 weeks in Alaska. I love seeing all of your pieces/hearing of your adventure!
You are so OUT THERE! Cool and wet and beautiful describes this painting. You too, I suppose. ;o)
It's hot (95--argh!) and dry and it might be beautiful out there but I'm sure not going outside to see it (whining like a girl from Maine). Going up to the ranch this w'end where it's hotter'n a pistol. I plan to at least win at gin.
word verif.--xbleerbo. Seems to somehow accurately describe the conditions. Be cool for the rest of us!
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